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PhD position at the Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN, University of Neuchâtel) – Predicting the evolution of carbon release and soil loss in peatlands under hydrological changes

Peatlands and organic soils are known to be important ecosystems for the regulation of the global carbon cycle. They behave as major carbon sink reservoirs resulting from imbalance between intake from photosynthesis and release from organic matter decomposition. Peatlands have seen their natural functions deteriorating in consequence to multiple anthropogenic activities, overprinted by global changes. Speciffically, major peatland areas have been drained to increase land surface available for farming. These activities lead to strong modifications in their natural biogeochemical functions, turning peatlands into a major source of carbon. Understanding the feedback mechanisms between climate, hydrology and land use on carbon storage and fluxes in peatlands remains a major challenge. This PhD project aims at investigating these feedbacks combining field experimentations and numerical modelling approaches. The research will be developped on the Seeland, a major agricultural production area in Switzerland, where intense drainage designed to develop farming have induced soil subsidence and decomposition.


The PhD student will specifically lead: 1) the exploration of coupled hydrological, transport and biogeochemical processes by analysing data from in-situ monitoring systems deployed on the Seeland; 2) the calibration of existing numerical model used to predict carbon fluxes under climate and hydrological forcing; and, 3) the development of a hybrid data-model approach to investigate the evolution of carbon fluxes and soil loss under future climate and land management scenarios.


The PhD position is based at the Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN) at the University of Neuchâtel under the supervision of Dr. C. Roques, Prof. P. Brunner and Prof. D. Hunkeler. The CHYN offers a stimulating research environment with about 50 collaborators. The candidate will benefit from a comprehensive pool of field and laboratory equipment, technical support staff and a dynamic PhD school.


Required qualifications


The successful candidate must have an MSc in Earth and Environmental Sciences or related fields and be strongly interested in research. Knowledge and experience in hydrology, biogeochemistry and numerical modelling are important. Programming skills (Python, matlab) are required. Fluency and excellent writing skills in English are required.




Beginning: February 2022 (or upon agreement) for 3 years with an option to extend 1 year.  


Application and additional information


Applications should include a concise statement describing the motivation to work on this research project, copies of your academic qualifications and names of two referees. The application should be submitted as one single pdf file to Please use “[Application Seeland PhD] your name” in the subject of your email. Deadline for the application is set to December 15, 2021.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions regarding the position. Please use the same email address with “[Question Seeland PhD] your name” in subject.

© 2017 by Clément Roques

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